- All Members (this includes but is not limited to Exo members, referees, assistant referees, referee coaches, performance reviewers, TMO’s, selectors, time keepers, tournament managers, RDO’s, statisticians, committee members and administrators) in SA affiliated to a Provincial Society are subject to the Valke Rugby Referee Society constitution and code of conduct, Valke constitution, Valke rules and regulations, Valke code of conduct and IRB bye-laws and regulations relating to the game.
- a Member will not make himself guilty of, inter alia, the following:
- Criticizing fellow, or any other, members in public;
- Discussing a fellow or any other Member’s ability, qualities and / or performance with SARRA, media, administrators, coaches, players or public;
- Criticising VRRS and/or VRU and all their administrators, officials and office bearers, coaches, players or team managers in public;
- Non – compliance with the official VRRS dress code when on official duties. The applicable VRRS dress code can be obtained from VRRS office upon request;
- Conducting himself in a manner that will discredit VRRS including, but not limited to, disorderly behaviour, being under the influence of alcohol or intoxicating substances when on official duty or in public places while on official duty.
- Should a Member have a grievance, such Member should follow the correct channels of communication, i.e. through the Provincial Rugby Referee Society to whom the member is affiliated.
- Members agree hereby:
4.1 that they are not employed by VRRS and that they offer their services on a voluntary basis, irrespective of game fees paid; and
4.2 To accept the structures of the VRRS department in place from time to time; and
4.3 To abide by the decision of VRRS Referees department pertaining to their appointment or non-appointment for matches; and
4.4 To abide by the decision of the VRRS Referees department pertaining to their rating within a particular Referee’s panel prevailing at the time; and
4.5 That their inclusion on any Referees’ panel is on an annual basis; and that this is subject to regular review throughout the season; and
4.6 to abide by the decision of the VRRS Referees department pertaining to their promotion, demotion or removal from a Referee’s panel or removal from all Referee’s panels or squads; and
4.7 accept that the decisions of the VRRS Referees department referred to in paragraph 4.1 to 4.6 above are final and binding and that VRRS Referees department is not obliged to justify or explain any decision taken.
- Complaints against a Member shall be sent to the President VRRS in writing who will appoint someone to investigate the complaint. If, in the opinion of the President VRRS the alleged transgression constitutes a breach of the VRRS Code of Conduct, the complaint and details of the investigation will be sent to the CEO of VRU (or his nominee) who will deal with the matter in accordance with regulation 11.1 of the VRU Disciplinary and Judicial Regulations. The CEO of VRU or his nominee may accept the outcome of the investigation by the President VRRS or further investigate the matter.
- The VRRS Disciplinary Committee will consist of 3 (three) members, being the Regional Chairperson of VRRS and two additional members appointed by VRRS. The President VRRS shall also appoint the chairman of the Disciplinary Committee. The hearing will, as far as possible and where applicable be conducted in accordance with the procedures of the VRU Disciplinary and Judicial Regulations.